
Friday, July 23, 2010

GAS LEAK FIXED AT HOME-THANKS FOR PRAYERS-What is the truth from the bible for me about widows?

GAS LEAK FIXED AT HOME-THANKS FOR PRAYERS-What is the truth from the bible for me about widows? He protects the immigrants, and cares for the orphans and widows. But He turns topsy-turvy the plans of the wicked. Psalms146:9. Lord I am stranger and an alien in this world in which I temporarily live. Protect me from the world that wants to rob me of my focus on You. Those you have purposed to come to America from different lands establish their way. Protect the missionary teams going out as short and long term immigrants to foreign lands to spread Your gospel. I was an orphan before You adopted me as Your child. Remind me that every unsaved person is an orphan in need of choosing You as their Father. For each widow I encounter remind me how blessed I am to have my Jimmy and help me to give them Your love and care when I don't know what to say. We weren't meant to be alone, help them find strength in the loved ones around them. You in me reaching others destroys the wicked's plans.

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