
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What does the bible say about serving God?

6/22/10 – What does the bible say about serving God? – But be careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you. Love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, obey His commands, hold firmly to Him, and serve Him with all your heart and soul. Joshua22:5. Lord You ask me to obey the ten commands You gave not all the commands man adds to them.

  1. No other God.
  2. No idols.
  3. No misusing Your name.
  4. Rest on Sabbath.
  5. Honor parents.
  6. No murder.
  7. No adultery.
  8. No stealing.
  9. No lying.
  10. No lusting.

Lord as I love You, walk with You, obey You, hold onto You, and serve You not as a have to but as the most blessed and precious thing in my whole life obeying those ten things come natural. I wouldn't have any other man but my Jimmy, idolize another man, curse Jimmy, ignore time with Jimmy, disrespect Jimmy and those he loves, murder him, cheat on him, steal from him, lie to him, or desire any other but him. So how or why could or would I do that to You the lover of my soul? Thank You for loving me Lord more than I know. Chastityhead:0)

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