
Friday, June 25, 2010

What does the bible have to say about the grace of God?

6/25/10 - What does the bible have to say about the grace of God? For the Lord is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what's right. Psalm 84:11. Lord You are my sun to light my day in this dark world and grow me through the trials I walk through each day. Lord You are my shield from the attacks of those against me. You give me grace I don't deserve, can't earn or repay. It really is all I need and the best thing I can give. You give me glory as a child or God, who can boldly approach You because I have a heavenly calling. You withhold no good thing from me when I do right so Lord remind me I am not always right with You, daily I fail. You also know what is truly good for me not just what I want. Lord I don't want to pray for my will and desire to be fulfilled. I desire the good thing You see for me to be fulfilled so I can be a blessing to others which is a blessing to You and me.

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