
Thursday, April 8, 2010

How is Jesus your example?

4-8-10 How is Jesus your example? For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in His steps. 1Peter2:21 I have a plan and a purpose, You have called me; I am chosen holy and dearly loved. My whole reason for being is to do good today. So when the suffering comes I am not surprised, because I am a child of God and Christ, the Son of God, suffered. So my heart's desire is to follow in Christ's steps, no matter what, I am not alone. God, You foreknew and predestined my steps, You are never surprised by what happens in my life. Christ, You prepare a hope for me in heaven that no one here can take away and is waiting for me when my job here is done. Holy Spirit, You live within me, I am Your temple and dwelling place and I choose to serve the Lord, give me the strength to follow in Christ's steps today. Thank you Lord for giving me an example of how to live today. chastity head :)

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