
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How is the Bible your infallible authority?

4-20-10 How is the Bible your infallible authority? The Lord merely spoke and the heavens were created. He breathed the word and all the stars were born. Psalm33:6 Lord You spoke the heavens into creation with the same still small voice You speak courage, hope and peace into my heart today. With the words You breathed to create the multitude of stars, You created the breath of life within each of my children, within my beloved, within me. You word to me isn't just words on a page, but it's life within my heart and without it as a stranger and alien here on earth, I fail. With You and Your word within me all is possible because I am complete in you. Lord give me the opportunity to share the life of Your word, perfect for every need, with those I encounter today.chastity head :)

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