
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Does feeling depressed mean there is something wrong with my faith?

Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way. Psalm 23:4 I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY, I FEAR NOT,I KNOW YOU'RE WITH ME, I'M COMFORTED BY YOU
I have told you this that you may be filled with my joy. Yes your cup will overflow! John 15:11 CHRIST JOY IN ME, I'M FULL OF JOY I do have times of fear and hopelessness but never when I am in Your word,in prayer, in fellowship;only when i am focused on me instead of You. Thank You for being beside me to guard and guide me through my day. Help me to catch myself before I start to fear because You the Creator and Sustainer of the universe care enough to walk me through and protect me in my day. Help me choose to share my joy with those I speak to today and as I overflow with joy may they overflow with Your joy and overflow Your joy to others. :)
chastity head :)

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