
Thursday, May 20, 2010

What do I do when I get angry?

5/20/10 What do I do when I get angry? You must all be swift to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. James1:19-20 Lord Help me to be open to those You have given to teach me, to those who share with me one on one, and to Your word that silences me. Lord help me not to have to always give my input, give my opinion, or stand up for my rights. My anger comes from me feeling my feelings have been hurt, my rights have been overlooked, my comfort hasn't been met. Lord help me to put me aside to be the righteousness you desire me to be to others and allow me to allow You to stand up for me. Thank You that I never stand alone in You and it is only my anger that shuts You out. chastity head :)

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