
Thursday, May 13, 2010

How many of the following characteristics describe my life: inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, worry, and doubt?

5-13-10 How many of the following characteristics describe my life: inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, guilt, worry, and doubt? Apart from You this is the unbelievers norm but as a believer I want to live by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord remind me:

* I am not inferior; I have been raised up and seated with Christ in heaven. Ephesians2:6
* I am not insecure; I have the right to come boldly before the throne of God. Hebrews4:16
* I am not inadequate; I have been made complete in Christ. Colossians2:10
* I am not guilty; I am free forever from condemnation. Romans8:1
* I am not worrisome; I may approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence. Ephesians3:12
* I am not doubtful; I am an expression of the life of Christ because He is my life. Colossians3:4

I am so blessed to have this time to be in Your presence today Lord forgive me when I am full of me; fill me afresh and renewed in You. I love You Lord. chastity head :)

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