
Monday, September 16, 2013

Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer Women's Bible Study

Welcome to Week 2.

Attend ONLINE by reading Chapter 2 and 3 of Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer and the scriptures below; adding your prayer requests in the comments section

Next week Monday, September 23rd we will be covering Chapter 4 & 5.

Bible study discussion leader
10AM to 11AM – Barbara Delmont
7PM to 8PM – Chastity Head
Barbara – 760-243-7742 home
Chastity – 760-265-3309 call / text

September 16th, 10 am, 7 pm and online classes.

Those in attendance today were Barbara, Chastity, Sheila, Joann, Connie, Cindy, Sara, Irene, Nina, Phoebe and Trinity at both our 10 am & 7 pm classes.
We had 2 children in attendance for childcare for the morning / evening class only - Cost is free - DONATIONS ARE APPRECIATED :)

Ch. 2 A Vital Necessity 7-7:23

Proverbs 23:7 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
Mind of Flesh vs. Mind of Spirit (Straight life, straight mind)
Romans 8:5 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
By the Spirit (Not in yourself but in the Spirit)
Zechariah 4:6 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
Vital Necessity
(Physical vitals give life / spiritual vitals give life)
As You Think so You Are (Good thoughts, good life attitude / bad thoughts, bad life attitude)
Matthew 12:33 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?

Ch. 3 Don’t Give Up 7:23 – 7:46

Galatians 6:9 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
Go Through (Easy to quit / Faith to go through)
Isaiah 43:2 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
The Choice is yours (Choose life giving thoughts, words follow / choose negative spreading thoughts, wrong words follow)
Deuteronomy 30:19 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?
Don’t Give Up!
(Invite Him to control thoughts-keep cooperating with Him – choose God’s way of thinking– go forward)
Turn and take possession (Turn from wrong thinking bondage- wake up- been there long enough)
Deuteronomy 1:6-8 What is this About? – What do I Learn? - How Can I Apply this to my life?

Prayer / Praise 7:46-8


  1. Connie praise received a new bed / prays for family's comfort in the failing health of step-father.
    Barbara prays to stay focused on God's plan.
    Joann prays for healing of her ear / son & daughter in law (Allen & Ginger) continued work & improved health.

  2. Prays for improved health and perfect peace in Christ

  3. prays for strength, ability to stay focused in school, peaceable personal relationships

  4. prays for a shortened trip learning what God has for her and not go in circles around God's direction

  5. Irene prays for labor to have no complications and a quick delivery and healthy baby

  6. prays for news on her dog's safe return and Elias' daughter Maria going through four kinds of chemo and facing possible leg amputation

  7. prays for time with God whenever, wherever and not allowing guilt, self-condemnation and stress to negate that time spent with You

  8. prays to have devotional time with Jimmy and a separate time for devotions with River

  9. prays for God's wisdom, direction and provision with her finances and praise for her son Adrian 3rd Birthday :)


Please leave your prayer requests and comments here, thanks :)