TITUS Overview
You have either been led in the past, are being led now or will lead in the future.
The leaders that led you or the leaders you will be are based on:
2.problem solving,
3.personal character,
4.patterns for mentoring and modeling
5.progression from shepherding to developing.
This was Titus.
Titus was trusted, a troubleshooter, a task orientated specialist and a teachable servant because he was willing, are you?
You might say “I am not a leader” or “Too bad so and so isn’t here this would be perfect for them but not for me”.
•You are a leader commissioned by Jesus Himself: Matthew 28:18-19 All authority on heaven and earth has been given to Me. Go and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
•You are here by Divine Appointment: Proverbs 16:9 A man (or woman’s) heart plans their way but the Lord directs his(her) steps.
You are a leader in your homes, in your neighborhoods, in your community but especially in your church. God has a plan and a purpose for you to become who you are in Him to give Him glory and lead others especially the younger women in our churches to do he same
Our last study focused on who God wanted us to BE in Christ now we are focusing on who God wants us to BECOME in Christ.
TITUS Summer Schedule
Week Subject
June 17 Bible Navigation
June 24 VBS No study
July 1 Titus 1:1-4
July 8 Titus 1:5-9
July 15 Titus 1:10-16
July 22 Titus 2:1-10
July 29 Titus 2:11-15
Aug 5 Titus 3:1-8
Aug 12 Titus 3:9-11
Aug 19 Titus 3:12-15
Aug 26 Potluck & Presentation of Fall Study Starts Sept 9
Sept 2 Labor Day no study Fall Study starts Sept 9
TITUS Summer Homework - Daily Goal: Meet God through Bible study; to know and worship Him.
1. What is the passage about?
2. What do I learn from this passage?
3. How can I apply what I learn to my life?
Make a list of them – use them daily in prayer and worship– meditate on one specifically for the day- respond to what God wants you to learn from that one
Hesperia First Assembly of God located at 11616 Hesperia Road, Hesperia CA 92345.Our office phone number is (760) 244-3330.
Bible study discussion leader
10AM to 11AM – Barbara Delmont
7PM to 8PM – Chastity Head
Barbara – 760-243-7742 home
Chastity – 760-265-3309call / text
Barbara – littleman22@verizon.net
Chastity – chastityhead@gmail.com
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